Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Coming Right Along!

Mom had a great night. She slept through until about 4:00 a.m., I checked in on her a couple of times during the night and she was sleeping like a baby. She took a few walks around the house during the day yesterday and she's alert and reading her book.......other than the intermitant naps she and Dad enjoy.

Have a good day!!


Monday, December 14, 2009

Getting Better All the Time!

Good Morning!
Midgie said mom had a good night last night. Is controlling her pain with Tylenol. Is awake doing the crossword puzzle and isn't dozing!! Great progress-more alert than she's been since surgery!
We have a call in to the dr for a few questions-itching, pt apt, drowsiness (which may not be an issue-I'll keep an eye on that today), etc. Looks like the meds may have been the issue.
Will update you all later!
Love to all-

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Nana is a tough one!

Nana is home and getting better by the minute. Thanks to Maida she is up and down at night safely. Pain meds are becoming less and less necessary although appetite is still an issue. Come on, Nana! Eat!!! Pompo is fixing dinner and breakfast and putting on a pretty good front, but he is naturally concerned. It is wonderful that we can all be there to shore him up. He and Maida got the Christmas tree up in time to surprise Nana when she got home. Whew.

We have been going through Michael's old scrapbook from high school- full of memories of all of you! Santa Rosa Lions Rule! Overall, things seem to be moving along in the right direction. Our conference call today will solidify times and shifts that we can cover. Dad is very happy to have the help. Stay tunes for more info.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Thursday Update. She's Free!

Hi all,
Mom had a good night and Melba is with her this am. I went by the hospital to try to catch the doc rounds but it sounded like a resident was there before I got there (must have been really early since I was there before 7am!!). We have a list of questions for them when they come by to discharge her.

Mom is getting up to the bathroom and realized that the pain from her leg is gone and the pain she is feeling is in her back and from the surgery. This sounds like a good sign to me but we'll see what happens with time. She hasn't needed any pain medication since 10pm last night. She is still struggling with getting in and out of bed though as it is very painful for her to move around. This should get better with time and should be better tomorrow than it is today.

She did well with her breakfast this am (had a little nausea from her broth and crackers last night) and enjoyed her cup of coffee since it had been 2 looooooooooong days since she had a cup!! . . . the little things that we miss from home.

I'll let you know when I hear from Melba about discharge plans.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Nana's Surgery Update

Hi everyone,
We met with Dr. Turner Thursday and mom decided that she is ready to get the XStop procedure done and "the sooner, the better" was her comment. She wanted it done yesterday! Dr. Turner indicated that he would be happy to do the XRay guided injections, however, she was more interested in getting the XStop done for, hopefully, a more permanent relief of pain as well as the fact that she had injections done in the past and they didn't work. The spinal cord stimulator, according to Dr. Turner, is not indicated for this condition.

Her spinal stenosis is at L3-4 & 4-5, therfore, they will likely insert the XStop at 2 levels. Dr. Turner indicated that the pressure on the nerve is what usually occurs with this diagnosis but the actual compression of the nerve is not viewable on the MRI. With his experience, mom's symptoms (buttocks & upper leg pain), and the spinal stenosis diagnosis, it is his impression that this is what is causing the her pain. The potential to cause more pain is less than 1% with this procedure. He indicated that the doctors in Philadelphia had recommended the XStop if her bones were strong enough to tolerate the procedure and, after viewing her dexascan, he indicated that her bones are strong enough for the procedure.

Dr. Turner graciously answered the questions and is ready to move forward with the procedure, as is mom!

We should be receiving a call soon with details of when she will be scheduled for the procedure. It looks like it will be Monday or Tues of next week. I'll let her know when I hear from them. Dr. Turner is optomistic that she will be able to be up and around shortly after surgery and able to go back to work at the hospital after the first of the year.

The anesthesiologist has ordered her records from Lovelace to see how she tolerated the anesthesia when she had her knee replacement surgery. He recommended asking for a copy of her labs from the staff in the surgery waiting area on the day of her surgery to take to her nephrologist for his records. This might not be a bad idea, however, she will be getting her lab work done (as she usually does) just prior to her next appointment. She has an appointment with her Nephrologist on Dec 22 and will need a ride to this appointment on that day and will likely need someone to get her to the Neuolgist for a follow up appointment.

Hope this answers most of the questions and alleviates concerns.
Mom, if I missed anything, feel free to add comments.


Monday, November 30, 2009

Spinal stenosis

hey guys

what level is nana's stenosis at? lumbar/thoracic/cervical? sounded lumbar but never really got the story.

thanks chris and trish for putting this together. nice gift to the fam.


Nana's Next Appointment

Nana's next MRI is December 3rd and after that, a meeting with Dr. Turner. Pat will take Nana to the MRI and then Midgie will meet them at the neurosurgeon's office for the actual appointment. If you have any questions or concerns following the appointment, Midgie is your point man!
Just wanted to tell everyone Vanessa & I made it home safe! We had a great weekend with everyone! Sorry about the meat Dad, but I guess a lesson learned!

We miss you already!


Sunday, November 29, 2009

How to post a new entry

Hey guys, I've seen a few comments on here stating that there is some confusion on how to create a new post. I'm gonna outline it in a few easy steps:

1. Make sure that you are signed in. Everyone of the brothers and sisters are authorized to make new posts so click on the "sign in" link in the top right corner of the webpage and enter your user name and password. If you have never signed in before, you will be prompted to create a user profile which will include choosing a username and password.

2. After you have signed in, you can click on the "new post" link in the top right corner of the blog screen. At this point you can simply write what you care to write in the given text field or post pictures and videos for those of you who are feeling adventurous.

3. Click on the orange "publish post" button in the bottom left of the screen when you are finished and the new post will be there for all to see and comment on. You can always edit the post that you have published later on if you so desire.

If you are having problems you can either give Casey, Travis, Julie, or myself a call and we'll give you a hand. Casey would probably like to explain it the most. Have fun with it!


Thursday, November 26, 2009

Holiday dance we've been practicing...

Here's a little routine we put together while mom was visiting Austin over Thanksgiving.

Send your own ElfYourself eCards

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Monica's First Blog!

Here is my first blog! How fun is this!

Well, FHHS football was in quarterfinals for the state championship last night, and the nail biter went down to the wire! FHHS won 23-20. Therefore, on to the next game next weekend! IF they win this one, we are going to state! State is Saturday, November 28th @ 5:00 p.m. MST in Flagstaff! SAME DAY AS TAMALE DAY! I will keep you posted on the next game!

Love to all!


Saturday, November 14, 2009

Welcome to the blog!

Hello one and all. In response to popular demand, we have created this online space which we can all use to share relevant information and other fun stuff in each other's lives. We know everyone wants to stay in the loop so if you have anything you would like to add simply "post" a new entry by signing in and selecting the "new post" option from the menu. So far we have added all sibs as authorized authors. So have fun and go for it. We look forward to hearing all the family news!