Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Coming Right Along!

Mom had a great night. She slept through until about 4:00 a.m., I checked in on her a couple of times during the night and she was sleeping like a baby. She took a few walks around the house during the day yesterday and she's alert and reading her book.......other than the intermitant naps she and Dad enjoy.

Have a good day!!



  1. She looks great! I am here tonight. Her color is good, she ate a little, and is getting up and down by herself. I can't believe the improvement in just a day or so. It is so cool. Dad really appreciates someone being here. He can go outside, or to the store without worrying. And he is feeding us great!

  2. Dad sounded better last night after his calls from Mon and Mer about the kneeling bench and the comments from the auxilliary about how much they cared for mom and about Mer's upcoming trip to China. The evenings seem to be the hardest for him and the communication with him seems to be crucial to getting him past the lonesome days and nights. Keep the calls going his way.
